postcrossing: an attitude

for whom love a philatelly activity, they must be knew about postcrossing
it's a global media which connect the users with real contact by a post card.
if we look from history, people start send a postcard hundred years ago.
but this activity don't stop only because of the world war.
people still send postcard until now
WHILE another mailing device is more and more modern today
for some people like me...
when another person asks me why still use an ancient way to send a greeting?
listen, postcrossing is luxury thing where i can get the real art the real copy of art from real person from accross the sea...
it's different when we get mail with by a computer typed and a handwritten.
that's why some postcrosser prefer a written postcard (me)

we paid the postage with gracefully by using a stamp.
stamp is an art, not an ordinary art. we use it to fly the card from the nearest post office to travel over the world... that's why the post card is more pretentious if stamped


postcrossing as an attitude?
don't get wrong,the users already eqquiped by the regulation. some users like me think that when we join a postcrossing. we bring our nationality. if we rude and cheating, the people all over the world will think "oh, i don't like to swap with indonesian. they're cheaters" <- and="" bad="" country="" drown="" p="" rate="" thing="" will="" your="">
happy postcrossing


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