mapala dewangga - sarif summit - merbabu mountain

we went to merbabu mountain for a basic and education training
we wear blue headkerchief as one team
it was 8 month ago when we hiked
it was fun and exhausting
we take so many time only for resting

I'm so glad this activity bring a brotherhood to every member. 
we are just like a family
helping each other 
we share the load
share the happiness
and all of it is not only about a basic training
it's about friends, and brother, and sister

i remembered when we make our first bivoac for night
i bled and almost cut my finger to make the roof
we weaved the framework with grass and  twig
and we slept there

we got some punishment because our stupidness and carelessness
but it ended with a cup of hot chocolate and bread
that extra special food in the end
because all of the day we only ate sour berries, salty rice, and bitter vegetable
that's great morning when we drink hot chocolate



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