A Call

we would change if it's happen to our brothers and sisters.
to our women and children.

really happen...
i thought it was just a doom view of a movie
but it really happen
and where are we?
where are we while they need us
the humanity needs us

i can't believe the war still happen
still continues
i can't believe that there is still
devide et impera politics
we only care about our stomach
care about our corrupt nation
but nothing we done
nor our nation and our brother's nation

i know there are still a lot of poor people in our country
they hungry and cold of the weather
but i can't believe that those people still smoke and they poor
they can buy cigarret. they must be can buy rice either
i can't believe poor people who smoke

but look
the world is open
why your eyes are closed?
they murdered the human
they blast the babies head
they rape the women
took the land
cut the olive trees
steal the peace
steal the liberty
they have to survive. not about the stomach
about the head, the life, the liberty
more than our poor people

they are calling us!

Who stoled my past? I can't remember, it all happened so fast
Days won't swift the sky, my ruined dreams in a restless Thursday
Now i know, it's you who runs through the meadow 
With face full of sorrow

The sunlight glows your tears 
and i can only watched you from here
The sunlight cast away your fears
and i can only hold my tears

They've blast our past, i can't remember it all, they've broken the glass
I can't dry your eyes, our ruined dreams in a bloody Thursday
Now i know, it's you who cried behind the window
With face full of sorrow

The sunlight glows your tears 
and i can only watched you from here
The sunlight cast away your fears
and i can only hold my tears

sumber gambar: daily reminder on youtube


  1. jadi ayo kita boikot SEMUA barang yang hasil keuntungan produksinya masuk ke dana israel !


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