Ekki Mukk

-The Man is non-existing. This the tale of a wounded Fox, that got Lost!!
-The Fox is feels like it lost it's way. "Every field feels like the next". In desperation it asked directions even to a snail.
-Snail asks if the fox wants to be guided out from darkness. "You're not afraid are you?" The snail knows the Fox state.
-Snail leads fox to the woods. Fox states "Oh snail... this is a terrible place." It knows creatures go to die there.
-Within the woods, the fox asks "Why does everything have to change..." It knows it's hurt. -Snail whispers "Don't be afraid." Shes comforting the Fox into it's ending stage.
-Fox says "I don't know what i should do..." Fox cries. It feels pain.
-"Be brave little one..... be brave", it's the way of the snail saying don't worry. Go in peace.
-Fox travels to a big tree. And goes to sleep.
-"Sleep little one.... sleep. And when you wake... I might be gone..." The snail is leaving the fox in peace to let nature carry it's own path, and take the once scared, hurt and lost fox, now has a calm, gentle, sleeping fox.
-"Look around... You've found your own way home" were the snails last words. The fox is now one with the forest and nature. Thats what i feel about this....


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