from the roof top

busy week when
the days of Basic Train of Search And Resque come
that day was a practicum of mechanical technology
I phisycally dropped, and mental slowly drown
there're so many thing I couldn't stand
no matter how sad i was, i never wanted to cry in public

but the day came
when evaluation hour, they asked me for my responsibility
(*i admit it my work was bad)
there were no words hurt me, i swear
neither because they were angry to me
it was just because i felt lonely to face it
seemed i cant stand it alone
so i cried that night

 maybe... maybe.. maybe that would be 
the last time i cried in front of my friends.

a call from home came
it's mom
i answered the call
"your brother's dad has passed away" (*my adoptive brother)
"oh..." (answer like nothing happen)
(i heard my mom sobbing, something wrong) 
"what's wrong?"
"his mother will come and took him with her"

12 years can be ended next week
i met my little brother since he was 2 days old
 he is not -not.anyone- anymore
he is my brother, wether from different family
i cant accept it if she took him like a deposit luggage
i'm not ready yet to lose him this fast

last day of basic train closed by ceremonial inaguration on the roof top
 i was the last man who came to roof top
my feet was levitating i couldnt feel the ground
my head was flying like balloon
but my tears was falling like rain


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