Math's Story Part. 1

Let's go it's a story about a man who can see and feel things my personal story 
It was a simple day like others I went to do my things like every days that God for me I went to pray for my friends and one day I felt something won't be like usual days first I saw angels after many years of thinking there was a higher powerful person I went to trust about " Angels " creature who are suppose to be messengers of God.

I always asked them to protected me just for fun I never trough it will come true that I see them one day because yeah I saw them in my dreams first I saw Micheal my actual angel who protect me for God services, Eli who tortured me many days and Lucifer you know her don't need to introduce well all those characters were in my dreams.

First, I saw Micheal so he send me messages trough object actions mind and dreams some kind of premonitions. He wanted to warning me about Eli who is my personal demon, a girl that I created by my own mind because I was thinking bad about people at the time that I created her and Lucifer is her master. 

Eli tortured me during years I saw bad dreams like nightmares in my own room like some kind of " i want kill someone now " Eli was making me feel sad and in bad mood she was controlling my mind but I didn't know Micheal said it to me months later and it was when I start to get sick in  2007, Eli continue to scared me actually yeah because this story isn't finish yet ; Micheal still protecting me I have visions premonitions and feelings to warning me now i'm under the protection of God. 

Yesterday before I met God and Micheal my life was so dark and painful I was making bad dreams where I was killing people all the time .. and then I Meet God my life gets better but I pay the price now because since 2007 i'm sick of Epilepsy unfortunately now I don't see Eli but I see violet zombie I don't know what to do but heal me now ^^ 

Who will know the rest of the story  we will see 


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